
PUG Challenge South Africa 2020 Call for Speakers: Proposal Submission

The deadline for submissions is 15 January 2020. Proposals that are submitted after that date will be wait-listed.

Accepted proposals will entitle the speaker to complementary admission to the conference. If you submit a proposal but it is not accepted you are still eligible for standard attendance registration so there is no need to register before decisions are made.

Please complete the form below to submit a proposal for a breakout session. The information provided will be the basis for the schedule, agenda & program guide text.

An e-mail will be sent to the address provided acknowledging successful submission.

* indicates required field

Enter a comma separated list of any additional keywords that users might associate with this topic.

Examples: 4GL, Database, SaaS, Performance, Pacific, Mobile, XML, OO, JSON etc.

Enter any special requirements such as an internet connection or hi-resolution LCD projector.

You might want to fill this out for your own benefit. We are a very creative bunch, but you might not want us to make stuff up about you...